Logo Designer

When it comes to hiring a logo designer for your company, you want to make sure you choose the right person. A logo requires time and inspiration. Neither of those should be rushed or neglected. Below I will outline seven tips to consider before hiring a logo designer which will help you prevent time loss and the need for revisions. 

1. Understand What You Want!

Like I said earlier, logo design takes time and inspiration. You are trying to hire someone to design something that will represent you and your company. This said you need to make sure you have an idea of what you want before seeking out a logo designer. 

A good way to help understand what you want is to look at other companies logos. Gain inspiration from them and use them for reference. It will help you better explain to your designer what you want, especially in terms of what you do and do not like. 

2. What Do You Want to Convey about Your Business?

Finding things you want to express about your company in a logo can sometimes be hard. Try to not make it too personal when thinking of ways for your business logo to convey messages. Think about what your company has to offer, and how you want to appeal to someone who needs service or an item from you.

To better understand what key elements you want to convey about your business in the logo, ask workers or friends about your company. First, explain your company, then explain to them what your company can do for them. Finally, ask them for their impressions. You can often obtain eye-opening information from these brief conversations. 

3. Draw It Out

If you have something in mind, try sketching it out. Even if it comes out looking terrible, it can still help your designer better understand what you want.

such n such CTA

4. Know the Different File Formats You Will Need

Having an understanding of what type of file formats you will need is crucial for quality purposes. Some files are used primarily for printing and advertising. 

There are formats your designer should deliver to you.

  • Vector format: EPS, PDF or AI (Vector allows for enlarging photos without pixelating) 
  • CMYK file
  • Pure black file (designer provides logo in black or white)
  • White knockout file
  • RGB file
  • Generally you will receive them in TIFF (1500×1500 300DPI) JPEG / PNG (800×800 72DPI)

These are files you will need to transport your logo for uploading your website, blog, or advertising and for printing on clothing or stationery.

5. Keep It Simple

When it comes to logos, for quality and printing purposes, you want to make sure you keep it simple. You don’t want too many colors or any kind of gradient in your design. Aim for three colors. You want to appeal to your customers and brand yourself without being overwhelming.

6. Different Types of Logos 

There are different types of logos out there so deciding what category you want your logo to be in is helpful for communicating to your designer.

Logo Types

7. Realize Designers Don’t Have Telepathic Powers

Designers are not capable of reading your mind. So when it comes to communicating with your designer, it is key to make sure you both stay on the same page. This allows for more efficient and effective use of time. Also, make sure you are very clear with the designer on your expectations. It is easy for a designer to get creative and get swept away, so clarify exactly what you want from the beginning.

These seven things can help your experience with a designer. Here at Such n Such, we offer quality services to ensure the best experience possible. If you are interested in hiring a logo designer, click here. Give us a call to discuss our services and give us a good understanding of what you want. You will then receive an email that will include a questionnaire. This will help us fully understand what you want. The questions may seem weird, but they are designed to clarify your expectations and logo design goals.

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