clubhouse app

What is Clubhouse & How To Join

clubhouse app

What is Clubhouse?

Every once in a while a perfect product launches at the perfect time. In April of 2020, a mobile app launched on Apple iOS called Clubhouse. Have you ever listened to a podcast and thought, “I have a comment or question”? In a Clubhouse room, you can raise your hand and if brought into the conversation, you can ask questions or contribute to the conversation with a comment. 

It has everyone from social media influencers to your average Joe chambering for an invite.

How To Join Clubhouse

Maybe we forgot to mention that you have to have an Apple iOS device and an invite from a current member. The challenge with inviting people to  Clubhouse is members only get a limited amount of invites to send. 

So what’s your best bet? Reach out to friends and ask if anyone has an invite. 

Once you’re in, complete your profile and choose your preferences and interests. Clubhouse rewards people for following others and to get notifications of rooms being started, join clubs, and follow people. 

After a week on Clubhouse, we’ve listened to many groups put on by nationally known marketing experts, actors and actresses, and athletes. This amazing app has bridged the gap between influencers and their audience. 

What is a Club?

A club is similar to a group that users can join and get updates when an admin in a club starts a room. It’s typically based on a topic like financial guidance, sports teams, etc. You can request to have your own Club which is limited to one per person, so choose wisely. In order to receive a Club, you have to host a room three times (one per week) to show you’re worthy of having your own Club. Clubhouse is looking for a commitment to hosting a room on the topic. 

What is a Room On Clubhouse?

A room in the Clubhouse app can be started instantaneously or scheduled. You can choose to have an open room, a room for people you’re connected with, or a closed room. However, just creating a room doesn’t mean someone will join. It depends on how many people you’re connected with and how well you title your room. 

How To Become a Speaker in Another Members Room in a Clubhouse?

While listening in a room, you can push the button in the bottom right corner of the app. This will send a notification to the moderators and they can approve to have you come in. You’ll need to immediately mute out until called on. If you get your chance to share, speak clearly, make sure you have a good internet connection and don’t talk too much. Be articulate and you’ll be successful. 

We hope this was informative for you. Make sure you follow @ryanlucia on Clubhouse. 

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